Posted on 06/08/18 by Jodi Reimer

CIO Forum Cleveland June 2018-1

The Clear Process Solutions (CPS) and Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities case study was the welcome process story at the Cleveland CIO Forum earlier this week. The event, attended by hundreds of experts, visionaries and professionals in the IT industry, was filled with discussions around cutting-edge technologies. Among this digital transformation overload of information, one piece of collateral especially caused a stir of excitement. It was a case study featuring ways to rapidly ensure future-proofed business applications.

What exactly does “future-proofing” mean? In short, as technology changes, your applications will not have to be refactored or changed, just integrated with the new technology (FAST, EASY, FUTURE-PROOF).  It’s a hard concept to grasp, but it can be achieved by incorporating CPS AgilePoint for building digitally automated apps quickly (forms, processes, web, SaaS and mobile) and Process BI dashboards to visualize every process, enabling continuous improvement.  

“Moving to AgilePoint wasn’t just fast, it was a vast improvement in our journey to future-proof workflow.” Scott Marsh, IT Director, Stark DD

AgilePoint is a low-code next generation platform for any business. Regardless of advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Internet of Things (IoT), your data’s integrity will remain consistent.  You don’t have to be a developer or have a degree in computer science to incorporate it into your business processes – it’s Fast, Easy and Future-Proofed. In Stark DD’s case, they rapidly converted six business processes in under a month!

It doesn’t matter where your company is in their digital transformation, contact us now to discuss how the CPS process solutions enable a future-proof application strategy.


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